Thursday, July 31, 2008
Things You Learn at VANS Skate Park
-The skate culture that kind of went away in the 90's is back.
-No matter how hard I try. I'll never be able to grind a rail. Won't happen.
-Kids are fearless. I love that about them.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Some Quik Thoughts on West Palm Mission Trip
-Even students that "don't like kids" can make an impact on kids.
-Getting out of your comfort zone always pushes you to re-evaluate areas in your life. And more often then not...change them.
-Most students that go on mission trips will have to answer this question at least once before they leave: "is He calling me to missions?"
-It doesn't surprise me when students do stupid stuff. But, unfortunately, it does surprise me when they do amazing things. I'm praying that the Lord changes that in me.
-Twitter is a wonderful way to keep parents in the loop on some little things that happen through out the week.
-Hearing testimonies of young men who grow up in the "hood" selling drugs, getting kicked out of the house; and then turning it around and using the story of their life for God's glory to impact those kids, always gets me choked up.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
"Buzz Spotters": Tracking the Trends of Youth
I ran across this article on the Sydney Morning Herald. They're reporting on a group that does world wide research on what teens are after and what they think is "in". A couple of the statistics are:
57% of teens prefer facebook to myspace
71% of teens prefer text messaging to IM
65% would rather use a Mac than a PC
93% of teens prefer Internet to TV
Nothing I read that's really all that surprising. One thing they did mention that made me say hmmm, is that 1 in 10 teens are happy with their tech gadgets. With the rate at which new tech gadgets come out, and the millions in marketing that are pumped into those products (which make you unhappy with your tech) it's no wonder how anyone could ever be satisfied with what they have. There's always the next model or the next upgrade waiting to be released before you can figure out how to turn on your phone. Crazy.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Are You Serious?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Favorite Movie of the Year
"The picture is truly brilliant on several levels. The first half is virtuallySo do yourself a favor and get to the theatre and see this film. Don't
wordless, and it has the spare, kinetic beauty of silent movies, tapping into pre-verbal pleasure centers we've half-forgotten we have. The characters' anthropomorphic qualities never lapse into simple-minded cuteness, but remain rooted in their mechanical nature. To watch WALL-E rubbing his clamps together in clinking concern is to be charmed beyond all resistance; and his marveling response to the vast, junk-free reaches of outer space makes your heart swell in sympathetic wonder. Pixar has once again burst the boundaries of the animation ghetto, creating a world so intricately worked-out, so ravishing, that we don't feel we're just watching it — we're visiting. And at the end, in that rarest of responses, we don't want to leave."