OK. Not many things shock me anymore. It takes quite a bit for something to really get a "wow" out of me. Well, ladies and gentlemen I had a "wow" moment this morning while reading the news. I keep a pretty close eye on all things "youth culture" and the name Heidi Montag might not mean much to you, but she's definitely a part of that "youth culture". She's part of the popular MTV semi-reality series The Hills. Now, months back I read quote by Heidi in one the "entertainment" mags that was on the grocery store racks. She was asked what book she couldn't do without. Her response? "I can't go a day without reading the Bible." Seriously? The reason I question this because if you watch The Hills she's repeatedly bleeped out for the language she's using. Not only that, she's living with her boyfriend who recently became her fiance. And she has a horrible music video on youtube that has her splashing around in the ocean in a barely there bikini. Like I said, nothing really shocks me anymore.
But then I read this article. Get this. This article tells of Heidi's intentions to record a "christian" album! You heard me right. What the devil? Seriously? It also informs the reader that she has, "been religious since she was 2 years old." She refers to herself as "non-denominational baptist." Suffice it to say, I was pretty shocked by the announcement. Here's why I think this is important. Let's say she does what she says she wants to do. She records an album. The album is sold in Christian book stores. Students pick this CD up because she has name recognition. Students will at that point be listening to "christian" music, which fits into most of our lists of "music that is OK to listen to." This is why I think labeling music "christian" or "secular" is dangerous. We can't be mindless. We can't set our thoughts aside just because it fits into a certain label. We need to be discerning. Not all "secular" music is bad. A LOT of it is! But, not all. We have to test it. Question it. View it through the goggles of our christian worldview. Let's not be mindless Christians. I'll jump off my soap box now. Here's the deal, she's not living what most Evangelical Christians would say is a life that lines up with Jesus' teaching. So is she someone you would really want to represent Christ? I leave you to answer that. And I'm aware that she could come out and say that she's been stupid and let Hollywood direct her instead of the moral compass that Christ has given her. I can understand the allure of Hollywood and it's seductive ways, and I could look past all that she has done. But, she hasn't yet. And with that I say, keep a look out for her album in the next year or so. The point of this post being, "don't be mindless in what you listen to."
I'm not in any way defending her actions, but perhaps she has not been taught the "whole" of scripture, including the call to be holy and pursue righteousness, but rather has been raised in the teaching that God is like a Santa Claus, a God who's only purpose is to serve you, the whole prosperity, name it claim it thing, pick out of the Bible what suits you and leave the rest behind -there are plenty of bits of scripture that she can read and claim out of context that will "suit her needs." I doubt she was raised to read or has ever read the whole Bible (how many "devoted Christians" have?), doubt that she fully understands what Jesus Christ did for her, doubt that she has ever fully seen the true glory, holiness, and righteousness of God. As leaders and teachers of the next generations we have to be intentional in sharing the whole story - the whole of our depravity, His love and sacrifice on our behalf, which leads to our call to not only love the world, but pursue His righteousness, and reflect His glory. I truly feel pity for her -because she is missing out on the good of fully knowing everything God is, has done, and waits to be through her life. Her life is not the full, abundant adventure that He intended.
I couldn't agree with you more on that. I too feel sorry for her.
But, I also can't help but find it a little funny(especially after you read some of her comments). I mean seriously, these are some lyrics from her recent song:
"But you got me feelin' so naughty/
Make me wanna show you my body/
Make you wanna take it all off me/
I can't wait no more"
Wheteher or not she understands the "whole" of the Bible, her intentions are to make a "christian" CD. The reason behind this post to know if this fits into the idea that we can only listen to "christian" music because of its "christian" label. We can't be mindless Christians. That's all I'm really getting at.
This goes to show you we need to do some major work in our country. Yes other countries need missionaries as well but who is being a missionary to America?
Right on!
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